All you need is a voice!
Can you see how and where we could get better or are you really impressed with certain services? BCOP is looking to involve some of our tenants as volunteers in a new scrutiny group – a place where you’ll be able to have your say and make a difference for all our tenants.
We’d love you to come along and work together with us on things that are important to you and interest you whether that’s the repairs service, how we manage complaints or deal with anti-social behaviour. We need you to share your ideas with us and other residents over lunch to make our services better than ever together.
We know that no-one cares more than you about the services you receive than you and that’s why we need you and your passion to help us continuously improve the most important services to you.
We want you to meet fellow residents from similar organisations that we’re working with to have say in what’s good and what could be better. Whatever your circumstances, or interests, there is something for you!
You might not want to get involved in every project and that’s ok, you can do as little or as much as you would like.
So what is scrutiny?
Scrutiny is simply a way to allow residents and staff to work together to review services. The group take an in-depth look to get a better understanding of how services are being delivered and what it’s like to be on the receiving end. The group can highlight areas for improvement based on their findings. These recommendations are set out in a report, making us accountable and allowing you to track progress against them, making sure we are keeping our promises to you.
Who will be involved?
We’re setting up a dedicated group of residents from across BCOP and other similar organisations including Sir Josiah Mason Trust, Lenches Trust, Solihull Care, Yardley Great Trust and Sherborne Parish Lands Charity. We’ve also invested in a dedicated expert from Yvonne Davies Consultancy to support you as volunteers with this important work as we appreciate you and don’t underestimate how valuable your time and effort is.
How much time will I have to commit?
We anticipate that we will want to get our scrutiny volunteers together once a month if we are to carry out 2 big reviews a year. We’re proposing to meet in difference venues each month so that you can see how everyone else operates. The sessions will probably start at 10.30am and finish at 1.30pm.
Each sessions will be fun, interactive and a great way to meet other residents both from Lenches schemes and from the other housing providers. We plan to spend some time sharing lunch and talking to new people.
We’re looking to start in April and are keen to get everyone that is interested trained up ahead of this.
We don’t want anything to get in your way so we can help with travel and lunch, get you equipment where possible, and as much support as you need.
We would really value your time and contributions and will look forward to hearing from you.
Would I have to attend every month?
We know that life is busy and you can’t always make every meeting or indeed you might not have an interest in a particular project and that’s ok. We value whatever time you can commit.
How do I let you know I want to be involved or find out a bit more?
Please speak with your Tenant Support Officer or Housing Officer on 0121 459 7670.
Alternatively email us on from this page and we’ll be in touch.