Staff and residents at Robert Harvey House have created a poignant tribute to mark both Remembrance Day and the centenary of the First World War. Cards were created for a display which contained personal memories of loved ones who fought in both wars, some of whom never returned. Residents also created poppies and painted poppies onto stones.
Some of the personal stories included were:
In remembrance of Harry Canhan – Irene’s Grandfather who fought in the Boer War. Also, her uncle who turned 17 during The Battle of the Somme – and came home!
In remembrance of Lucy’s husband Arthur, who was at Dunkirk.
In remembrance of Benjamin Halsey, in the Royal Navy from Dinton, Bucks. He was on the Queen Mary at The Battle of Jutland. 31st May 1916, ship was sunk.
In memory of Alfred William Huxley, a gunner in the First World War. He came home deaf. Corrie’s Grandad.
Anthea Reid, General Manager at Robert Harvey House said: “It has been so touching to see how many lives here have been affected by the First and Second World Wars. We are pleased that our residents have been able to honour and remember their loved ones in a meaningful way.”