Compliments, complaints and comments

At BCOP we try to be responsive and provide excellent care and customer service for our tenants.

Letting us know about something that’s great

If you feel that you have received excellent customer service, please let us know by sending in a compliment. Please use our email form on this page  as we love getting positive feedback.

Letting us know about something you’d like improved

Sometimes things can go wrong. We need the opportunity to put things right, so please contact your tenant support officer or the housing manager who will then contact you and agree a resolution. If you are still unhappy with this resolution, or you would like to raise a complaint you have the opportunity to go through our complaints procedure.

Raising a formal complaint

If you’d like to raise a formal compliant, please complete our online form, download a form and email this back to us or you can telephone our support office on 0121 459 7670 and we will be happy to fill in a form on your behalf.

Fill in a complaints form online
Download a complaints form
Our compliments, comments and complaints policy

You’ll find  copies of our latest Complaints performance and service improvement report and our Housing Ombudsman complaints self-assessment on our Publications page here