Residents can now be visited by 5 named visitors (including their essential care giver if they have one), with a maximum of 2 visitors at any one time or on a given day. These daily limits do not apply for very young children or essential care givers.

Visits out of the care home will be planned in consultation with the family and care home managers, subject to testing requirements and risk assessments to protect residents.

Activities outside of the care home that will not require self-isolation include:

  • outdoor visits to parks, beaches or gardens
  • medical appointments
  • visiting day centres
  • attending educational settings
  • going to work

Recovery testing will take place 14 days after the last positive result in an outbreak, rather than 28 days, except where the outbreak included evidence of Variants of Concern (VOCs). Where all the recovery testing showed negative results the restrictions on visits would be removed.

Visits to our nursing homes will still need to be booked in advance and all visitors will need to follow the existing testing and infection control and prevention measures during their visits.

Do speak to the nursing home manager if you have any questions.